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CodeWave: A navigation hub for offline developer conferences, connecting you to the latest trends and opportunities in the tech world.

Conference Homepages


  • GIAC Global Internet Architecture Conference - Focuses on the trends in internet architecture, inviting top architects in the industry to share their experiences and insights.

  • QCon Global Software Development Conference - Focuses on the latest trends and technologies in software development, providing a platform for developers to learn and exchange ideas.

  • D2 Front-end Technology Conference - Organized by Alibaba, focusing on technological innovation and practical exchange in the field of front-end and mobile development.

  • Rare Earth Developers Conference - Aimed at a wide range of developers, sharing the latest tech trends and development experiences.

  • GMTC Global Front-end Technology Conference - Focuses on the latest technologies and practical applications in the front-end domain, aiming to promote innovation and development in front-end technologies.

  • ArchSummit Global Architect Summit - For the software architecture domain, inviting renowned architects to share best practices and experiences in architecture design.

  • Early Morning Chat Conference - A platform for sharing and exchange aimed at the front-end community, promoting the sharing of front-end technologies and experiences.

  • VueConf - Aimed at developers and enthusiasts of the Vue.js community, sharing the latest developments and application cases of Vue.js.

  • CssConf - Focuses on CSS-related technologies, tools, and best practices, aiming to promote the development of CSS technology.

  • Web Frontier Technology Forum - Organized by W3C, discussing the latest standards and trends in Web technology.

  • China Software R&D Management Industry Technology Summit - Focused on the software R&D management domain, sharing management practices and innovative methods.

  • China DevOps Community, Recent Activities - Dedicated to promoting DevOps culture and practices, organizing related activities and exchanges.

  • Elastic Meetup - Regular offline exchange events organized by the Elastic official Chinese community - For Elasticsearch users and developers, sharing experiences and best practices.

  • JS World - The world’s largest JavaScript conference, covering all aspects of JavaScript, inviting speakers from well-known companies and organizations, providing technical updates and case studies. The most recent event was held on 2024.2.28.

  • VueJS Amsterdam - The largest Vue conference, gathering global participants, interacting with Vue creators and maintainers, establishing connections and gaining unforgettable experiences. The most recent event was held on 2024.2.28.

  • VueConf US - An annual conference organized by the Vue.js community, hosted by the creator and core team of Vue.js, gathering Vue.js developers and enthusiasts from around the world, sharing the latest technologies and experiences. The most recent event was held on 2023.5.24.

  • React Summit, React Summit US - The largest React conference in the world, gathering React developers, engineers, and experts to share technology and industry trends related to React. The most recent events were held on 2023.5.24 and 2023.11.13.

  • React Live - Join 500 React developers for a day of celebration of React, diving deep into the latest topics related to React. The most recent event was held on 2023.9.29.

  • DEV WORLD - Ranked as the world’s number one developers conference, offering the opportunity to interact face-to-face with 7500 developers, covering multiple technology areas. The most recent event was held on 2024.2.29.

  • Vite Conf - An immersive interactive online event for front-end teams, exploring the construction of the next generation of the web using Vite. The most recent event was held on

  • CSS Day - An advanced CSS conference providing a relaxed atmosphere and in-depth discussions. Last held on June 8, 2024.

  • FEday

  • ReactNext - The largest React framework conference in Israel, bringing together local and international speakers to share advanced topics. Last held on June 24, 2024.

  • JSHeroes - A non-profit community-organized conference that brings together JS and Web/Frontend development enthusiasts from around the world for talks and networking events. Last held on May 23, 2024.

  • iJS - An international JavaScript conference focusing on the latest trends and changes in JavaScript. Last held on October 23, 2023.

  • ng-conf - The largest annual tech summit of the Angular community, inviting well-known speakers to share experiences and best practices related to Angular. Last held on June 14, 2023.

  • GOPS 2023 Global Operations Conference - The annual conference in the global operations field, focusing on the latest operations technologies and practices.

  • DTCC China Database Technology Conference - Focused on the exchange and sharing of database technology, bringing together many experts and enthusiasts in the database field.

  • Gdevops Global Agile Operations Summit - Discussing best practices and cutting-edge technologies in agile operations, aimed at improving operational efficiency and quality.

  • ArchSummit Global Architect Summit - Bringing together top architects from around the world to share the latest concepts and technologies in architectural design.

  • KubeCon + CloudNativeCon - The annual gathering of the Kubernetes and cloud-native communities, sharing the latest advancements in cloud-native technologies.

  • 2019 Product Manager Conference - A professional conference for product managers, discussing the philosophy, tools, and best practices of product management.

  • WOT Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Summit - Focusing on the forefront of artificial intelligence technology, bringing together researchers and practitioners in the AI field.

  • NSC China Network Security Conference - Focused on the exchange and sharing in the field of network security, aimed at enhancing network security awareness and skills.

  • DOIS 2019 Operations and Development International Summit - Discussing the integration of operations and development to promote the development of DevOps culture and practices.

  • GTLC Global Technology Leadership Conference - Focusing on the cultivation and development of technology leadership, providing a platform for technology leaders to exchange and learn.

Event Publishing Platforms


Recommended Resources

Introduction to HTTP/2 Product Reflection and Product User Experience Optimization
